Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Photo: The bear in the Air!

My son was throwing his bear repeatedly into the air and gleefully exclaiming "The Bear!...In the air!" obviously delighting in both the rhyme and the silliness of a flying toy. At this age, you have no idea where such a thrown toy will come back down. I got lucky on multiple counts -- nothing was broken, and the bear ended up on the ceiling... :)

Opportunities like this don't usually allow much time for fancy composition, and with a preschooler doing the tossing, framing is luck of the draw. I was already sitting on the floor, with my camera handy from a previous "cute" shot, so it was quite simple and natural to shoot up toward the ceiling to emphasize the heights involved.




Tenure said...

That second one is fantastic. :D

Rootie said...
