Thursday, 20 November 2008

Blog tagging pyramid...

Amy tagged me. Chain blogging, whatever you want to call it.

Here are the rules:

  • Link to the person who tagged you.
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Write 6 random things about yourself.
  • Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post.
  • Let each person know he/she has been tagged.
  • Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

6 random things about me:

  1. I spend a lot of time working with numbers. Consider this: if all 6 people tagged by a post respond to it, in less than 13 links of the blog chain, every blog on the planet will have been tagged. 14 links would be almost 2 blog tags for every person on the planet in the year 2012. If each of those 13 billion posts consumed 5,000 bytes, (500-1000 words) and were stored in an array of commercially available hard drives you could buy the entire array (enough for two medium-short blog posts per person on the planet) for less than $8,000. (now you know why disk space is almost unlimited on gmail)
  2. It has been well over 10 years since I rode a unicycle. I wish now that I had kept mine, but I am too cheap to go out and buy one. I have enough toys. :)
  3. There are scars on my head from when I was hit with a hoe by a friend. A "friend" you ask? It is a long story whose summary is only to wonder how I have survived to live this long. (head wounds bleed profusely)
  4. My RSS feeds include a couple blogs that are so far out of my realm of experience or daily thought process, that you have to wonder why. This blog, and this blog specifically are both well written, eye opening and have been educational for me. I'd encourage finding a viewpoint on the world that isn't the same as your own (but isn't a waste of your time).
  5. Repetitive and substantial sleep deprivation has a number of physiological and mental effects. Have you heard the acronym TMI (too much information)? You can thank me later -- I won't enumerate those effects here.
  6. I enjoy making music. I can sound "shave and a haircut" by hitting the top of my skull with my knuckles and adjusting the resonance of my oral cavity (mouth) to intone the notes. Honestly though, I can fumble quasi-musical emanations from at least 4 instruments and several body parts, though none of them well enough that anyone would ask me to perform for them more than once.

people to tag? hmmm...

Greg Perkins

Burgess Laughlin

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