Monday, 25 January 2010

Kids and the Metaphysically Given

Diana Hsieh's recent blog post about cats and how the world is pretty much entirely metaphysically given from an animal's viewpoint. (ok, go here for what she said)

One of the interesting things about being a parent is watching your children as they grow from unable to even move a hand to ... well ... mouthing back at you.

I am definitely not proud to say it, but I've made enough mistakes as a parent to come to realize that children take *a lot* as metaphysically given, "it just is."

For instance, if you hit your children -- there is a stage of their development where that just is what parents do, and the kids will accept it as "the way it is". If you yell at your children, well, that's just what parents do. Could it be any other way?

yup, our kids learn from us, every day, both good and bad.

Fortunately for me, they also learn that it is ok to apologize, to occasionally ask for a do-over, and even to ask for suggestions and help in a tricky situation.

That is just what parents do.


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