Thursday, 4 September 2008

Missing Context in the Media

Many news reports indicate "Vladimir Putin Hailed as a Hero" for tranquilizing a tiger. It would seem the tiger escaped from its cage and was charging a news crew. Good thing Putin was there, with a tranquilizer gun at the ready!

The only information I've been able to find on the web is that large animal tranquilizers take roughly 3 minutes to take effect (at the fast end of the spectrum).

Let's do the math...If a charging tiger can run 15 miles an hour, (yes, I made that number up, but it seems reasonable for a moderate distance of a stalk and pounce hunter), how far away was the news crew for the tranquilizer to take have taken effect in a life saving fashion? (3 minutes at 4 minute mile pace == 0.75 miles)

I won't go so far as to say the news reports are incorrect. It is very obvious, however, that the news reports are missing important details that could provide useful context to understand the event fully.

If you actually know something about large animal tranquilizer efficacy or how the news crew would have otherwise been in mortal danger, but still safe for the 3 minutes it might have taken for the tranquilizer, or perhaps even how long it would take Putin to have realized the nature of the situation and obtained and used a tranquilizer gun, feel free to leave a comment.

I am highly skeptical.


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