Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Why optional values?

For those of you looking for perl or xml, you're a victim of search engine glee.

ha, "victim," now there's a badly chosen word. Yes, whatever search engine brought you here must be out to get you...drat, there I go again, anthropomorphising technological algorithms.

So why "optional values"? Blogging isn't my life. I don't live to blog. That makes blogging "optional" -- it isn't core to my life's purpose.

So what about "values"? Google won't tell you much about "values" that applies in this context. Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism throws lots of people curveballs. Part of it is the fact that some words take on very specific meanings and very narrow relevant contexts. "Values" is definitely one of those words.

A thing of "value" is something you want, and when you have it, you want to keep it, not to lose it, have it stolen from you, or damaged or destroyed. "Values" is simply a reference to "things of value". Ok, so there is more to the definition than that, but I'll stop there for now.

Why am I here? There were two disasters reported on the front page of the local paper this week. Disaster #1: books are immoral. Disaster #2: science is sin. How long can good people remain silent while lunatics run amok in their society? (hopefully more on those topics later when I quit seething) At the very least, I feel the need to speak out against these ideas, to add my voice to those calling for rationality and an end to the intrusions of people whose idea of "morality" seems to originate in the twilight zone.

This then, as with most blogs is partly diary, political/philosophical commentary, and links to whatever else strikes my fancy. (no, I won't show you pictures of it)

What about me? Am I "an Objectivist"? That title would bestow on me an honor I do not as yet deserve. Call me "a student of objectivism." There is much to learn, and much change to make in myself.

It is my experience that I may choose the wrong word, twist a phrase until it breaks, or use metric measuring cups and a silicon spatula when mixing metaphors. (yes, I intended to write "silicon", not "silicone") Life is an educational experience, and this is definitely a learning opportunity for me, maybe for you. Feel free to join me on my journey...


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