Monday 29 September 2008

Provenzo is right...

Imagine this. A person shows up at your door with a gun, takes your money by force for their own purposes. Maybe even saying "I'll die if I don't do this".

What right does that person have to threaten you?

What right does that person have to your money?

This isn't a trade. You get nothing of any value or meaning in return. Just as the thief above, representatives of our government will show up at your door if you don't pay your taxes. They may act on the government's behalf and throw you in jail, or otherwise take your money by force...for the good of everyone.

A woman has the right to control her own body. She has the right to decide whether or not to carry a baby to term. That decision may be driven by a multitude of factors, including whether or not she (and her family) have the ability (or even desire) to care for the child that may result.

We don't need more laws or regulation on how we can or can't live our lives. We need only for productive rational individuals to be allowed to do the work they are capable for their own benefit, without the sanction to burden others by the force of the state.

Nicholas Provenzo is right. Palin made her choice. Other people can make the choice that fits their individual situation -- just don't make me pay for it.


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